Monday, September 20, 2010

smile monday..

Sunday morning my girlfriends and I had a fun time walking around the marina picking out our fave boats.  There were quite a few gorgeous boats, but that one in the back is definitely for the girlfriend getaways.  Wouldn't that be a fun place for a girls night out!!  It was a bit foggy this morning but the sun was out later and it turned into a gorgeous day!  Sitting at a boat harbor having coffee and chatting with girlfriends that I don't see enough of was pure heaven for me!

Have a beautiful day everyone!! 



  1. Foggy or not ~ it is beautiful! Happy Monday Cathi.

  2. Dear Cathi,
    Oh, we love harbours and husband loves boats and sails quite a lot. Some of the boats one sees are just out of this world aren't they ?.... and, out of our pocket too !!
    Have a great week. XXXX

  3. My two best friends arrive Thursday night for four fun filled days of girl time ... I am breathless with excitement!

  4. I miss mornings like that- it's how it always is in Santa Cruz! I love the calm foggy mornings and bright afternoons :)

  5. Love, love, LOVE you! And enjoyed our time together so much. Let me know when the boat will be ready for the party! xxoo

  6. That would be a "true" get-away: sailing away with friends and leaving all your worries on shore.

    Hope it happens for your someday,


Thanks for the smile - pass it along! xxoo


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