Monday, October 10, 2011

smile monday....

Having vowed that I would no longer spend my lunchtime at my desk, here is a view from my blanket on a gorgeous sunny lunch hour here in Woodland Hills!  I wish I had longer to take a nap!

I hope your day is wonderful whatever you are doing!


  1. It looks like you are still enjoying sunny weather down south...we have rain today up here.

    Are you still taking your long walks everyday? I bet you feel great. xo, A

  2. Adrienne - We had a bit of rain last week, but it's been nice here lately. I am still taking my long walks and loving it! xxoo

  3. A much better view than a computer monitor! xo

  4. Looks like a great way to spend your lunch! I would love to join you. xxoo

  5. Love the view! Hope the rest of the week is just as glorious!

  6. Ah a smile of satisfaction. there's something so fantastic about lying on a blanket or bench somewhere near home and and looking up at a blue sky, a pleasure that money can't buy! (at least it can't buy it here in England).


Thanks for the smile - pass it along! xxoo


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