Tuesday, August 21, 2012

my london....

London has been one exciting place to be
this summer with all of their many celebrations.

Alex and I were so looking forward to our trip
this summer, but life had other plans for us.

So when Simone asked me to write a little something
for her series My London - I couldn't resist!
I am so looking forward to reading what the
other guest posters have to say about that
wonderfully beautiful town too!

Stop on by Simone's place and read all about it!

Have a fabulous day and 
be sure to share a smile today!


  1. Wish I could have been there too!!!Have a LOVELY day!!!!

    Kristin :)

  2. I love London too... and enjoyed your post over at Simone's... Thank you... xv

  3. Absolutely LOVED your post on London Cathi ~ I commented over there too. xo

  4. I really enjoyed your guest post, I hope you make it back to London very soon ;-)


Thanks for the smile - pass it along! xxoo


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