Monday, January 4, 2010

fresh start

The first order of business of the new year
was ORGANIZATION! After putting the
Christmas decorations away and taking the
tree down - I was on a roll.
So I decided to take my burst of energy over to
I had sorely neglected it over the past few months,
as I was busy with my regular paying job.
Which is in the same building, but busy is busy.
I am very lucky in that I share an office space with
an awesome woman who teaches pilates - she has
the front of the space and I have the enclosed office.
It is always a joy to go visit with her and watch her
teach. I really really want to take her class this year.
As I entered my office, she had left me a gift and it was
a beautiful candle - and smelled so pretty - just like
a fresh start would smell. So I happily burned it while
organizing my office and singing to the radio.
From there I went back home and organized another
neglected room - clearing out the clutter and tossing things
left and right (which I love to do). I am NOT a pack rat,
and it was starting to look that way. Now I have more
positive energy and space to truly enjoy my Nancy Drew
Diet Plan. What is on your fresh start plan for the
New Year?


  1. Isn't it funny what a good feeling cleaning out/organizing leaves? I did the same thing after putting away the christmas stuff. I started out small, just re-organizing my pantry, and ended up tearing into the garage (a very big task) and it feels so much better just to walk into it now! Wishing you all the best in the new year, Cathi!

  2. Cathi....we are on the same wavelength! I have just done a post about the rather inelegantly named, "Operation Boombah" that's currently going on in our lives. I love a fresh start and the beginning of a decade just somehow feels even more full of potential. I love the image that you described with the fresh candle. Meredith xo.

  3. My fresh start plan is to get you over here to tidy and clean out some of my stuff!!!! It sounds as if you are really good at that sort of thing and I need some help !!I have taken done my Christmas decorations and they are all packed up ready to go into the loft.I will try to take your lead and get myself into fresh start mode !! XXXX

  4. You're such a go-getter! In fact I think I may turn on some fun tunes and start cleaning up my own place... It could surely use it. So happy to hear your 2010 is off to a good (organized!) start!
    XXXX Kate

  5. Thanks for inspiring me! Organization is one of my major goals for the new year, but I've yet to get off my booty and get going. Ah ha ha

  6. I resolve to have you come over and clean out my closets! LOL.

  7. I too have been de-cluttering, tossing and organizing. I have a bag of clothes ready for goodwill and will be joining weight watchers as soon as the chocolate is gone from the house ~ so I am aiming for mid month. I also have some projects planned ~ I am hoping to accomplish one per month ~ we shall see how I make out!

  8. You have inspired me, Cathi! I have much cleaning and sorting slated for tomorrow, and after reading your post, I feel much better about it. Thanks, sweetheart! xo

  9. So many things. Mainly getting my business going. Although, I could do with being more organised, I am great at some things and terrible at others! x

  10. Happy New Year Cathi! I need to do some of that organizing over here! This cold has kind of put a halt to my progress with projects though...this weekend the tree comes down and hopefully I will gain control back of my house!!

    Happy Tuesday!

    :) T

  11. Wow, definitely inspiring Cathi, as always! I've left a little something for you over on my blog... x

  12. Organization has been on my list for years! It seems to be a never ending process. Once everything's organized, it goes to being UNorganized again not too long after! Oye!!!

  13. i have gotten the xmas decorations put away, so i am doing okay, so far. lol
    you are inspiring me.


Thanks for the smile - pass it along! xxoo


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