Friday, April 20, 2012

31 years ago today....

31 years ago today, I became a mother for the very first time.  The most vivid memory that I have of that night was when I was in
my hospital room holding my beautiful baby, looking out of the window into the night and feeling so peaceful for the first time ever in my life. A calm had come over me and a love that I never knew existed until the moment I held my precious little boy in my arms.  It made my heart want to explode with happiness and joy!

Both of my children have always made my heart soar with love and pride.  They have been a joy to watch grow up and I think I have learned more from them than they have from me.  Children are such
wise teachers.  To see them both as the fabulous loving and caring people they are today is icing on an already very sweet cake!

Cheers to Matt on his 31st birthday!

He is taking the day off of work and heading
out to a baseball game - something he has always
loved to do! 

Have a great day, Matt
You are loved more than
you will ever know!
(photo via here)


  1. Happy Birthday, Matt! And congratulations to you, Cathi, on raising two wonderful people.

    Have a delightful weekend. xoxo

  2. Happy 31st Matt. Many happy returns and I wish you the BEST day ( which I am sure that you will make sure that you have !!)
    Our son was born 33 years ago in May and our daughter 31 years ago in August and I echo everything that you have said Cathi.
    Have a lovely weekend. XXXX

  3. Happy Birthday, what a wonderful tribute you wrote to him. Hope his team wins!


  4. Happy Birthday to your son Cathi, I love what you wrote here. If he has your positivity & zest for life then I'm sure he's a wonderful man :)

    Have a great week-end!! Xx

  5. Happy Birthday, Matt! You are a great kid and have a great Mom!

  6. AHHH ~ happy birthday to Matt ~ he is a lucky guy to have a Mom like you. Hugs to you sweet friend. xo

  7. My first born is 31 years old too. Two grown sons now, hard to imagine, but what joy they have brought to my life along the way!

  8. What a wonderful post! Happy Birthday to Matt, and congratulations to you, Cathi, on 31 years of motherhood. What lucky kids you have to have such a peach of a mum. xoxo Gigi


Thanks for the smile - pass it along! xxoo


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