Friday, December 30, 2011

cheers to the new year....

I have to admit that 2011 was a pretty fabulous year
in my family.  We had two beautiful new babies that
are growing up so fast, it's amazing to see!

Alex and I have visited some pretty amazing places and met
alot of very cool people that make us smile to this day

I have had alot of good times with my girlfriends this year and
have been to visit my family about 10 times (I usually only
see them about once or twice a year), so it's been pretty nice!

I have a new project in the works which I am super excited
about, that I will share within this next month

I have "met" the most awesome friends thru this blog and for that
I am so very thankful - who would have thought that starting a small
blog to get some relief for alot of grief that I was dealing with would
change my life, but truly it has and I am so very thankful!

Here's to 2012, this is our year
Let it be amazing!

(photo via here)


  1. Great thoughts and a lovely post. Wishing you a wonderful and very happy new year. xo

  2. Hope your new year is full of blessings and new friendships--I'm grateful to count you as a friend.

  3. Woohoo ~ it has been quite the ride this year hasn't it?! Cheers to you my friend ~ wishing you all the love and happiness in the world ~ I cannot wait to see what the future has to bring. xo


Thanks for the smile - pass it along! xxoo


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