Sunday, January 1, 2012


"What we are today comes from our thoughts
 of yesterday, and our  present thoughts build 
our life of tomorrow: Our life is the 
creation of our mind".   ~Buddha~

2012 - let's go!

(photo via here)


  1. Hello my lovely friend :)

    What a beautiful post, perfect for a January day!

    Happy New Year to you Cathi, here's to happiness - and plenty of travel :)

    Can't wait to hear about your new project :) XX

  2. You should just start titling your posts "love this quote and Lori does too!!" This one speaks to me this morning over my morning coffee and I thank you for that. xo

  3. My dear friend Cathi,
    A beautiful quote to start off a New Year.
    Many, many thanks for all of your support in 2011 and, an extra special thanks for going over to Lou, Boo's and Shoes and commenting on my silly post !!
    It was really kind of you and you are a true blogging friend.
    Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year filled with magic and fun.
    Sent with much love from my family to yours. XXXX

  4. This is beautiful, Cathi. I have been reading a lot of Buddhism and Tao stuff lately. xxoo


Thanks for the smile - pass it along! xxoo


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