Wednesday, January 9, 2013

remembering the past with love....

Yesterday I called my ex mother in law after not having spoken to her in nearly 13 years.  There have been sporadic cards and emails throughout the years, but to really sit down and chat like we used to - well it had been a long time and I have truly missed it to be quite honest.   I was informed yesterday that her husband of nearly 40 years had died.  He was in his mid 90's and lived a very full life with lots of love, laughter and happiness.  They were each others worlds and adored each other so much.  My heart was aching so badly for her so I picked up the phone and gave her a call.  Well, we talked for a long while about a wide variety of things including happy times we had experienced together, what all the grandkids were up to, and what a wonderful life her husband had lived and oh how she would miss him so. In what had to be a time of profound grief for her, we spent alot of our conversation laughing with each other and telling each other how happy we were to be talking to each other.  I have always adored her and she has loved me very much too, so it filled my heart with so much joy that I was smiling all day yesterday despite the extreme sadness that I felt for the loss of a wonderful man.  We promised to keep in touch more often and I definitely plan on it!

Have a beautiful day, friends!

(photo via here)


  1. That was so nice that you gave her a call Cathi and I bet that she was so happy to hear from you.

    I am sorry for her loss, it sounds as though she has lots of good memories of a good man though.

    Thinking of you XX

  2. I love how you reached out in love and in compassion...but also in friendship. Your call will have made a world of difference. xo

  3. Reconnecting after so many years just at a time when she needed your call the most. I'd say that's a pretty good way to start out the new year!

  4. Your heart told you to call and now I imagine you wonder why you waited so long. I believe that we all have that inner voice that tells you when to do something ~ so glad that you had a good talk. xo

  5. I'm sorry about your loss but I think it's wonderful that you two had such a lovely talk on the phone and were able to laugh. How precious is that?

  6. One of the first reactions I had when I read this post was, "Wow, how wonderful that you weren't avoiding the possibility of sadness." I think that reaching out to someone who has just experienced death is such an act of giving, because we're knowingly going to a dark place to join them. As I've gotten older I've noticed the irony of Death is that it connects the living. Isn't that interesting?
    I'm so glad you laughed together and had such a warm conversation.
    Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)

  7. this is such a beautiful story. i feel this type of love from you all the time.

  8. Sounds like your call did a world of good for her soul! Hope you are well my friend :)


Thanks for the smile - pass it along! xxoo


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