Thursday, October 15, 2009

happy friday, 100th post & a giveaway!

Happy Friday, Everyone!

I can't believe it's my 100th post

What a wild ride it's been!

It's been such a wonderful adventure for me having this blog, oh the places I've been and the people I've met thru so many awesome blogs all over the world...The internet truly has made this world a smaller place, and I for one am thankful and grateful for all the lives that have touched mine. It goes to show that no matter where we live or what type of jobs we have - we are all the same; people who love, who laugh, who cry, who are navigating thru life the best we can. It's so rewarding to have the opportunity to read about all of our different yet similar lives all over the world!
In honor of my 100th post, I am having a giveaway of my favorite things that encompass all of our 5 senses: touch, taste, sound, sight, smell. If you'd like to enter the drawing, just leave a comment by Monday evening - October 19th telling me how you have been inspired and what you have learned thru blogging. I will announce a winner on Tuesday morning! Please leave an email link on your comment.

I'd like to thank everyone that has stopped by my blog and left nice comments, and those that read but don't comment - you have all been a true inspiration in my life. I am extremely thankful and I appreciate everyone's kindness!

(photos via here)


  1. I think that what I have learned so far is that there is kindness is strangers and that good people are all over the place. One thing I love is that, when I am reading a blog, I may not know the person's religion or creed, their politics or their subscriptions - all I know are the lovely and wonderful stories they choose to share. I feel supported in the blogging world in a way I never anticipated. There is a community here - a safety net - that means a great deal to those who understand it. Thank you for being one of the many blogs that I read and love every day!!!

  2. I love blogging - it's inspired me to be more creative, and I'm learning to be more open. At first it was quite frightening sharing my life with strangers, but I'm definitely getting used to it!

  3. Oh, lovely Cathi, congratulations on your 100th post! Your blog is always such a joy to visit and I look forward to many, many more posts!

    Something about the combination of images and written words in blogs lets people open up in ways that they often don't face-to-face. I have been amazed by the sheer creativity being expressed in the blogging community. As all my favorite magazines fold one by one, I find that I don't miss them as much as I thought I would because blogs are often much more fun to read and they are interactive! A fellow blogger wrote me a sweet note the other day in which she said, "these friendships are real, whether we ever meet or not." That touched me deeply.

    Have a lovely weekend, Cathi! xoxo Gigi

  4. Oh Cathi ~ I love that you have made it to 100! Mine is right around the corner too and I have been planning for it.
    Blogging has inspired my creative side again, a side I have not used for awhile. Buying my new camera this summer and grabbing it and just going out and using my creative eye to take some great shots ~ if I do say so myself. I also love beautiful things and having the time to browse around the internet looking for inspiring photos is something that I am really enjoying. Congrats on 100!

  5. congrats on 100 posts! your blog is lovely. i have learned to enjoy the little things every day, and not take anything for granted!


  6. Yippee, congratulations on 100 posts Cathi....fantastic!

    What I have how rewarding. liberating, fulfilling and inspiring it is simply to create posts, to write, to share them, to read and be read. I never knew it could feel as good as it does. I too feel that it makes the world seem a smaller place. People are wonderfully supportive and say wonderful things....blogging has been a wonderful gift for me, I can't even tell you how much I love it!

    Your blog is a beautiful place to be....and long may it be so!

    Happy Week-end Cathi! xo

  7. I just adore the photo's you have chosen, gorgeous.

    Thank you for your visits and lovely comments too. It is a lovely community this blogging world.

    Fab weekend to you,

  8. I love the photos you used today and yeahhhh! Happy FRIDAY!!
    I don't even know where to BEGIN with what blogging has taught me. It started as way to keep family up to date and has brought me to understanding who I want to be, who I was, who I am...all of those things!! It's my outlet, my sanity, my fun!

  9. Many congratulations on your 100th post. I'm up to 50 and that seems to have taken ages, so 100 is a massive feat. I am in awe and salute you.
    I first started blogging as I was looking for a picture of a Gustavian clock and came across the beautiful blogs of Scandanavia and at the top of each one it said 'Create Blog', and that was it. I began my own . I have loved every minute of it. I have made many like-minded friends from all over the world and learned so much from each and every one of them. There has been sadness as well as happiness, and everyone really supports each other. Many thanks for your blog, your friendship and your interesting posts. Happy 100th. XXXX

  10. Dear Cathi,
    Congratulations on your 100th post.
    That 100th post is such a special landmark to a blogger.
    I just started blogging in January of 2009....hat an awesome time it has been.
    What I have learned from blogging is there are some amazing people with big hearts, who like you Cathi, want to make a difference each day in someone's life.
    My 33 year old daughter has terminal cancer. Hospice sends a nurse 3 x's a week to assess her.
    The grief is unbearable at times but my sister posted about sending cards to her as she is cannot imagine the beautiful cards and gifts that have come to her......we have already filled up one book with 152 cards and there are well over 350 more to be added to other is knowing that in this cold, violent world, there is a unity of beautiful people who still have hearts that have not hardened and they are there to pray for you, cry with you, share your joy, and most we will never meet in person.
    My deepest desire is to also make a difference in someone's life.
    Blogging is the spark that ignites a fire of creativity, friendship,travel, design, color, recipes,and just every day musings
    Angel hugs

  11. This isn't a giveaway entry but just to say that today, in my mind, I'll be that girl with the red balloons.

  12. Congratulations!!!

    Whatever you do don't stop now. I'm having too much fun visiting you.

  13. Love your blog, truly inspirational. I think if anything I've discovered there is an amazing amount of talented and creative people in the world living everyday lives. I am also touched by the comments I read on my own as well as others blogs.

  14. Congratulations on your l00th post - WOW! As your sister and friend, I can't wait to read your blog every morning. I enjoy the beautiful pictures and stories that you share. You are such a talented writer - i am so proud of you. This has taught me to enjoy the simple things in life - to dream - share feelings and passions. I love your dream vacations! The vulnerability that is exposed is a beautiful thing. You've opened up a new world to me. thank you - keep blogging! Love ya!

  15. Happy 100th post! Well done. I have learnt so very much since I started blogging, but I thikn the overall aspect is the compassion of fellow bloggers. It amazes me.

  16. Congrats on your 100th post! So glad to have found your blog; I think that is what most inspires me about blogging-- being introduced (if only virtually) to such wonderful and creative women. Its a wonderful community where there are never ending sources of ideas, talent and beauty.

  17. This isn't an entry, but I just wanted to say: Congratulations on your 100th post, Cathi! XXOO

  18. Congrats on your 100th Cathi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love the beautiful images and positive messages your blog conveys!

  19. I started my blog when I lost my mother to Breast Cancer. The year's rough ride hadn't ended, but I made so many friends through it, that it helped me get through the worst time of my life. It's not just a distraction from real life, but its realising that there are people who care about you enough to send private emails to chat when you stop by on their blogs.

    I *love* reading yours. You always have something uplifting!
    Thank you!


Thanks for the smile - pass it along! xxoo


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