Monday, August 30, 2010

london thru my eyes....

After we dropped our bags at the hotel in the late
afternoon, we asked the staff at the hotel which
way to head to get some food and drink.
Mind you it was early morning for us, but we wanted
to get ourselves on London time really quickly.
This pub turned out to be one of our faves - it is
in the West End (right around the block from our hotel)
and it was fun to listen to some live music there and do
some people watching as alot of the people stopped in
before going to the theater.  Afterwards we walked a
bit down to Leicester Square on Charing Cross Road.

The next morning we just started walking down Charing Cross
Road and ran right into Trafalgar Square - so gorgeous!

I am an outdoorsy person and love, love, love parks - we spent alot of time in Hyde Park (and Regents Park too).  Just watching everyone enjoying their day - be it rowing, biking, roller blading, sitting in the sun, hanging out with friends - was just fabulous.  I loved how there are chairs for anyone and everyone to sit on the lawns at the parks too!!

We then strolled over to the Queens place - and as you can see
we weren't alone.  So definitely no invite to go in for us.  Plus
I think she was at her vacation home anyways - so she is forgiven!  :)

So many beautiful statues everywhere we went.

A photo of a guard is a must - I think this was near the
horse stables - not postive though.

Serpentine Lake at Hyde Park

One of the gardens there.

Another lovely fountain. We passed by the Princess Diana
Memorial Fountain - but it wasn't on.  Very crowded though.

Can you tell I loved Hyde Park - I have many more photos of it!

The Museum Tavern near the British Museum.  I loved how
the pubs were so ornate with chandeliers and lovely textures
and draperies.  When one of our local pubs burnt down and
was rebuilt - it just wasn't the same for all of us, as we loved
the rustic, old look of it before and the new owners made it all
bright and modern. 

This subway, underground, tube map (whatever you want to call it) was my friend.  I know how to get around really well in London - thanks to this handy map.  I am so envious of cities that have this type of transportation.  We live in a driving city.  Sure there are pockets of quaint neighborhoods and a very small subway system - but in NYC, Chicago, London and Paris - you can get around pretty quickly without the hassles of sitting on a parking lot of a freeway for hours at a time to go 30 or 40 miles.  Loved my week of riding these rails!

Of course our vacations wouldn't be complete without some sports. We secured some very good seats at the season opener of The Tottenham Hot Spurs vs. Manchester City.  We have friends that are Man City fans and wanted us to wear the gear, but we were sitting on the home team side - so that was not going to happen..haha..We were very impressed at how organized things were at the stadium.  When we went to get our seats, the usher was hugging everyone that came in - even us!  Loved one sign that said "Mind your Language - or you will be kicked out immediately."  We would have empty football stadiums at home if those were our rules.  We truly enjoyed this experience, it was so much fun!

The Tower of London

A quaint little Marina near the Tower of London called St. Katharines Dock - it was very lovely and a quiet reprieve.

Another pub on Villiers Street, I believe.  By the EmbankmentUnderground Station.  We spent alot of time walking around there, Covent Garden, Leicester Square and Oxford Street.

This is one awesome statue


I didn't visit enough of these places - as we had some FABULOUS
desserts at our hotel that we couldn't get enough of.  Can
you say CHOCOLATE TOWER to just mention one.
I also found some delicious ice cream bars at a store by
our hotel - dark chocolate with vanilla ice cream and caramel.
Yum, yum, yum!!  Thankfully we did alot of walking so we didn't
gain any weight - I couldn't believe it!

I couldn't leave London without a photo of one of these!

I was in bookstore heaven.  There were quite a few in my area and I didn't get to peruse them nearly enough!

This was a cute pub that I found down a narrow alley while I was exploring one morning.  We met a nice young student from Germany that is going to the University nearby -he is majoring in the same exact thing that A. does for a living, so they got along great and I slipped out for a bit and went about my way exploring all the shops while they were talking shop!  haha...

A building across from the Pub

All week long we were talking about going to this show, but we were so enjoying not being on a schedule that we didn't want to commit to anything - it looks like a wonderful show though! Maybe, someday!!

Our last day in London, A. decided he wanted to go to Wimbledon. So we hopped on the subway, asked a few questions and had a nice walk to the stadium.  It was a beautiful day that day.  What a gorgeous place!  It's funny as every time  we asked directions, people would say - "it's just a 10-15 minute walk down the road" and we would happily head on our way. We were laughing about it, as we wouldn't even think of walking 10-15 minutes down the road where we live in our town.  We'd just hop in the car.  I loved all the walking though.  So I want to try and do more of it here in my town.

We also went to the British Museum, The Victoria and Albert Museum - so gorgeous and Harrods - that is a world of it's own and the food and bakerie marts - well I could just live very happily in there!  :)

I am sure that I am leaving alot of things out, but all in all we had such a FABULOUS time and are already talking about visiting again in a few years. (Next summer Spain & Italy, yeah!) Everyone we met was so friendly and kind to us, we ate our way thru London - with the local fare, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, French food - it was delicious!  We visited enough pubs to satisfy our taste for any kind of alcohol for awhile.  As Jackie would say - we were only doing it "to be sociable"   haha...In the next few days, I will relive our one day Parisian adventure - it was a dream and the train over was so great!!!  If you're still with me, thanks for putting up with such a long post!!! 

Have a great day everyone!

P.S. The Window's at Harvey Nichols were FABULOUS!

(photos of Patisserie Valerie, Wimbledon & the Underground Stamp are not mine)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

lovely sunday..

Today I went to a cute French Cafe in West Hollywood for
Sunday brunch.  Just me and a wonderful French magazine.
Ok, so I might have just been looking at the pictures, but I
could pick out a word or two. 

I had a nice veggie crepe with salad, a pain au chocolat and a
really nice bowl of fruit afterwards.  Yum!  I was on my way
to another French Cafe that I wanted to try and I spotted
this one - happy accidents are always welcome!

Happy Sunday, everyone!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

cheers to the weekend...

I have been fascinated with these colorful cabs - every color of the rainbow! This has been a crazy busy week for me since we've returned from our vacation. I will be back on Monday to have some more photos of our wonderful time in London. I can't believe we have been back a week already. What I would give to be there right about now, with our temps reaching triple digits here! Whatever you choose to do this weekend, make it a great one and ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!! xxoo

Monday, August 23, 2010

my london neighborhood...

After a long & sleepless night, due to two wild, crazy & fun
Irish women going home from their holiday and trying to
talk us into foregoing London and coming straight to
Ireland where "we would have far more fun"
I was giddy with excitement at my first view of London.
And needless to say the moment I stepped foot in London
I was in love with it - what a wonderful place.  I truly
didn't scratch the surface of places I wanted to go, but
I enjoyed every place that I stepped foot in there and
look forward to returning again!

This was my London home for 8 nights and it was such a
lovely, warm & cozy place to stay - loved everything about it!

What I like to do when I go to a new place is to get a feel
for my neighborhood, as I love to explore and feel like it
is truly my home while I am there - so I will take you on
a little tour of our surrounding area.  Most of these photos
are mine, so all of you photo buffs - no judging please..haha..

That dark green facade where that person is walking was
where we would usually start our day with cappaccinos and
breakfast. They usually had tables with umbrellas out front
and on the days that it wasn't raining - which we had 3 or 4
it was wonderful to just sit and watch all the hustle and bustle.

This was just a pretty office building across the street

The British Museum with all the cabs.  We didn't take one
cab the whole time we were there, but I sure got a kick out of
all the colorful cabs that were literally EVERYWHERE.  If you
can't catch a cab in London, you can't catch one ANYWHERE.

This was one of MANY pubs that we visited. They are near and
dear to my heart, as I met my guy in an English pub here in
Southern California.  We had a wonderful time meeting &
talking to alot of people from all over the world, believe it or not!

This is such a cool way to get around if you're going somewhere
nearby and want to get a little exercise in besides walking.  You
can rent these and drop them off at locations all over the city.  I
also noticed that they had these in Paris too! 

The gorgeous Russell Square - which I spent quite a bit of time
sitting on those benches and relaxing.  I am normally a get up
and go girl, but this trip I did alot of relaxing.  The scenery was
so gorgeous, I just couldn't take my eyes off of it!

Another part of Russell Square.  What I loved about London is,
there were so many little squares & parks & plaza's - just places
to sit and watch the world go by, read, relax or meet up with friends

Love, love, love all the flowers everywhere - just beautiful!
So there you have it - my London neighborhood.  Isn't it fab?
More to come soon!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

love this quote...

“Travel is more than the seeing of sights;
it is a change that goes on,
deep and permanent,
in the ideas of living.”
Miriam Beard

(photo via here)

Friday, August 20, 2010

cheers to the weekend...

I love this photo!  It looks so refreshing and inviting!

In whatever you want to do in life - take the plunge and

do it.  There is no time like the present.  This weekend I am

going to go visit my elderly friends and JUST RELAX.

We had a fabulous 10 day vacation, a dream come true.

But we are happy to be home too!

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

happy wednesday..

We had a wonderful time in Paris yesterday!  Today we are
back in London, winding down our trip.  We have had a fabulous
trip, but more on that later.  We are beyond exhausted, but
happily so.  See you back in the States!  Have a beautiful day!


Monday, August 16, 2010

smile monday....

Enjoying the beautiful day in London

Having a wonderful time!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

London bound...


Monday, August 9, 2010

smile monday...

Color your day with fun!


Friday, August 6, 2010

cheers to the weekend...

I can't believe it's Friday already.  Time sure is

going by fast.  This weekend will be a quiet one

for me - I will be taking my movies to see my

friends at the assisted living homes and to

catch up with them - I haven't been there

for two weeks and I miss them. 

Then I will be hanging out at home with

a couple new books that I  just started.

Whatever you do this weekend -



(photo via here)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

happy wednesday....

I love this!  Sometimes it takes years to realize this!

It's been a crazy busy week around here.  We got back from
an awesome time with our friends in San Francisco - took in
two baseball games, had alot of food and drinks, had a nice
sunny lunch on the bay with my son Matt & his wife Heather
(loved seeing them, I have been missing them alot!)  We did
alot of walking - bummed that I didn't get to ride the Cable
Cars though.  Time just flies by when you're having fun!
My friend Tracy was meeting up with a fellow photography
blogger friend of hers, so we had a nice time visiting with
him too.  All in all - the time was short but ALOT OF FUN!

In SIX short days, we are leaving for London - to say that I
am excited is a major understatement.  I am trying my best
to really be a smart packer, as I tend to overpack on trips.
Just tending to things that need to get done before the trip,
and my job is definitely getting in the way of that this week..
haha...So if anyone has any packing advice, or flying advice
as I have never been on a flight this long before - your thoughts
are welcome here!  Have a beautiful day everyone and as the
saying above goes "Who you are is enough"


Monday, August 2, 2010


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