Sunday, January 5, 2014

my word for the year....

Truthfully, I wasn't really planning on having a word for the year, but this morning

it just came to me, or more like hit me like a ton of bricks.  It's a simple word that

has a few different meanings - which totally resonates with me.  2013 was a year of

a whole lot of emotions - happy, extreme sadness, major grief, depression and a feeling

of being stuck and not being able to move - emotionally and physically.....So this year

I present to you my word:


as in: "get your rear off the couch and move it girl"

and also 

as in:  "last year was tough, but you are still

here alive and well and you need to honor that.

Get moving with your life - bad things will

always happen and that is just called life..."

New Years Eve found me spending most of the earlier part of the day

in the ER.  I had been having some chest pressure for a week or so on

and off, mainly at night - so I figured it was anxiety - but then there is always

that nagging WHAT IF it's more than that...I'm definitely not one to run to the 

doctor so when I do, just know that I'm concerned.  After a ton of tests and 

and an extensive nuclear stress test - I found out that my ticker is doing just fine.

Actually it's pretty excellent, which makes me take a look at the rest of my life.

I love to walk and I normally walk alot but I have a pretty sedentary job except 

when the boss (my guy) calls me....I always joke that I need a spring on my chair,

as just when I sit down I get called into his office again....haha....The past few months

with Roccos surgery and death - I didn't do much of anything.  

Then there were the holidays

alot of socializing, eating and yes, sitting around.  I always feel so good when I walk and

it definitely lifts my spirits and eases my worries   

  So yes my word this year is MOVE

I want to honor myself and my health and be the best that I can be,

and that means taking care of myself better.  

I have a co worker who walks for 3 hours after

work, well you definitely won't find me doing that, 

but I am going to dedicate myself to walking

at lunch and a bit in the evening on my treadmilll.  

I'm letting you know to hold myself accountable.

Last but not least,

It's good luck when a bird poops on your head, right?

that's what I've always heard anyways.  Yesterday,

as I was taking a pretty long walk, at the very beginning

of it a bit of bird poop hit the top of my head.  It made me

laugh and I choose to take it as a good sign for this year!






  1. That is suppose to be good luck ~ made me smile. I would have turned around and gone home so you are a better woman than I. Great word ~ I am still waffling on mine but I think it is going to be either faith or hope ~ I will make my decision this week and do my post. Have a great night Cathi. xo

  2. Yes, I've heard that bird poop on the head is good let's take it that way! And I'm glad that your heart is fine...I'm happy that you went to have it checked out. xo

    Move...I think that word has multi possibilities...and one that can be well incorporated into your life.

    Happy New Year Cathi! xo

  3. Cathi, I think you chose I wonderful word. Move is good!

    I hope 2014 will treat you kindly. Happy New Year!

  4. I am relieved to hear that you are okay Cathi, but I know you've had a lot going on this year, much of it pretty serious.

    I know that you do take care of yourself but we can always improve on that, can't we? I know you are very active but emotional stress can build & build can't it, as I know you already know...perhaps that was the cause of your pains. I'm very glad it turned out okay.

    "Move" sounds like a good word....I'd love to do 3 hours walking after work, wouldn't that be great!!

    Take care of yourself my friend, I hope 2014 brings you good things....and that long awaited return to Europe ;)

    Happy New Year and take good care Xx

  5. Well said Cathi and, it's good to know that you're fine.
    I'm sure that you will get back to more 'moving'…..don't forget that you've had a very stressful year, one way and another, which was bound to have some effect.
    You are sounding very positive and I am sure that 2014 will be a wonderful year for you and Alex.
    Keep well Cathi and look after yourself. You take such good care and give your time to others ….. it's time to give some time to yourself.
    Lots of love. XXXX


Thanks for the smile - pass it along! xxoo


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