Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy April!

My weekend highlights:

gorgeous weather

a nice long walk around the lake

a bit of girly pampering

a night out with a girlfriend

hanging with Steff, in between time

with her friends (which I was very happy for her to do!)

dinner with Alex - a sort of picnic at the office...

checking in with my family to see what they all were

up to for Easter.  Steff, Tyler and her roomate, Gina

had a nice long drive back up north as school is back

in session tomorrow.  It was so nice having them here,

even though it was for a pretty short time!

Can you believe it is April already ??

Have a fabulous week, everyone!



  1. What a lovely Easter you have had Cathi ..... ours has been a family sort of affair but, the weather is awful so, no getting out in the garden or going for walks. Just good food a warm fire and the tele for us !! Here's hoping that Spring is just around the corner. Have a lovely Easter Monday filled with love and chocolate !!!! XXXX

  2. I'm having a very hard time grasping that it is actually April! For a long time I thought it would never get I can't believe it's already the 4th month in this year. Nevertheless...I'm delighted!! Happy April Cathi!

  3. Happy April Cathi ~ sounds like you had a great weekend! Time spent with Steff and Alex is the best. Have a wonderful weekend. xo

  4. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! April now here, and Easter is already over! Might be a long stretch till June, so hope the weather's nice!

  5. No I can't believe it's April already. I'm trying to relish the days before graduation. I'm not sure i'm really ready for my baby to leave high school :)
    Funny I don't remember time flying by so swiftly when I was in my twenties. haha.
    Leslie (Gwen Moss)


Thanks for the smile - pass it along! xxoo


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